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AMF Basketball Program Registration


Player Information:

Parent/Guardian Information:

Emergency Contact Information:

Emergency contacts must be:

  • 18 years or older

  • different from parent/guardian already listed

  • a licensed driver

Photo Release Consent:

Aktive Minds Foundation may take photos throughout the course of the program. These photos will be used for websites, social media pages, and other marketing materials such as flyers, newsletters, etc. Do you give AMF consent to use photos containing your child?

Transportation Consent:

In the event that your child needs transportation to or from an event or activity hosted by AMF, and with your verbal or written consent such as a phone call or text message; do you give AMF staff, volunteers, or any other licenced driver consent to transport your child?

Liability Release Waiver:

If you are applying for financial assistance, please make sure you request the funds 2 weeks prior to program start date to ensure time for review and determination. Financial assistance is limited and is not guaranteed to all that apply for it.


Please send an email to for form and further instructions.

This form no longer accepts submissions.

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